Why We Love Aveda
What is Aveda and why is it so special to Jon Chelles’?
Aveda is a line of products that we
carry at Jon Chelle’s. The founder of
Jon Chelle’s, Bonnie Scoggins, joined the Aveda family in 2001. She saw what
this product line would do for her business along well as the training that her
stylist would receive.
The Aveda company has a very
special mission statement that they live and die by, even if it involves discounting
products because sourcing that product would deplete the earth or a community,
even if It’s a best-selling item. Aveda partners with underdeveloped countries
and communities to create jobs and money for these people. The Aveda mission
statement says it all …..
Now let’s dive into the who what when and where of Aveda.
Who created Aveda? Where did it come from?
Aveda’s founder Horst Rechelbacher created this line after
studying ayurvedic healing techniques performed by Buddhist monks in the
Himalayan mountains.
What is Ayurveda?
Ayurveda means the “knowledge of life” in Sanskrit. This was
originated in India and is one of the oldest continuing practices of wellness
in the world.
Why does it work?
There are three main
energies in Ayurveda thought to influence us, called doshas, and they grow out
of the five elements. (air, fire, water, earth, and infinity).
The three doshas are Vata, Pitta, and Kapha. These three
doshas are always present and at play in each of us, though one or two are may
primarily influence us. The doshas influence our unique personalities, decisions,
and lifestyles, and each dosha corresponds to different seasons, times of life,
and times of day.
When the Aveda product line was created, we use natures
instead of doshas. Horst believed that he could create a product line that
would help and create balance for each dosha, using daily skin and hair care
products, by implementing aromatherapy and products developed for each nature.
Everyone is one or more of these natures and Aveda uses aromatherapy
to help balance each guest. Aveda also incorporates a well-defined treatment
plan to create the best spa experience as possible.
My next blog post
will be on finding out what your nature, is and how to stay balanced. We will
discuss what spa services are best for you, and even the best type of diet and
exercise for each nature.
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